Meet Robin Behar
In October of 2022, Robin Behar complained to her husband, Alex, and her ear doctor about a whooshing noise in her ear to which she was dismissed and was told it was nothing.
Robin had a weird feeling about whatever this was and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Robin fought and got herself an MRI to take a deeper look into this. Shortly thereafter Robin received the results of something treatable but would change her life forever. Robin was told she was suffering a brain aneurysm and needed to see a Brain Surgeon ASAP to get this resolved. Within 24 hours Robin was on the operating room table for a surgery that they were told “she will be ok”.
Immediately after surgery, that was the case, “she was ok and everything went great” or that’s what Alex was told. Twenty minutes later, Alex received different news, “we can’t wake her up and she is bleeding in her brain”.
Due to this situation Doctors were forced to put Robin into an induced coma. She didn’t wake up from that coma for 30 days and when she did, she was fully paralyzed and lacked much of her memory. She then moved around from hospital to hospital and rehab facility to rehab facility as most of these places didn’t want to care for her. Her insurance has even started to give up on her as they say “she doesn’t need insurance, she won’t recover.” A heartbreaking thing for her family to hear as Robin is fighting and so are they.
Fast forward 14 months later to December 2023 and Robin is residing in a rehab facility close to her home in Newbury Park. While Robin is making slow strides in recovery gaining some mobility in her hand and leg she still lacks a lot of capabilities within her brain power. She can have conversations but isn’t really aware of what’s going on nor does she remember faces, names, what year it is, her age, etc. She is fighting though and whenever her family visits she says she is happy. Alex also noted that “she knows me, she knows we’re married but she doesn’t know our story or anything.
Doctors said they don’t know what caused this nor do they know what the recovery looks like for Robin. All because of this, Robin is fighting day to day to recover while Alex is fighting other battles on his own. While raising two kids, Alex is fighting with the healthcare system, insurance and lawyers to help him find some relief.
This gruesome battle between her family fighting for her and the outside world fighting against her has put the Behar family in quite the financial burden. Robin has years of recovery ahead of her while undergoing extreme rehabilitation protocols for speech, physical and occupational therapy.
We are thrilled to help the Behar family and even more excited to name them as a recipient for our 2nd Annual Jingle Bell Jog.